Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bob Brown at NPC, Indigenous singer is new Greens star, Carbon Courage and more..

In a speech to the National Press Club yesterday, Australian Greens
leader, Bob Brown described how he sees Australians turning away from the
major parties and their squabbling. "THIS YEAR WILL BE another milestone
in politics for the Australian Greens. The sole balance of power in the
Senate and a breakthrough into the House of Representatives are both
within reach. Australia's voters are looking for more progressive politics
and the stable, experienced leadership which we alone have produced over
the past three turbulent years in Canberra..."

Senator Brown's speech yesterday was inspiring and his responses to
questions from the floor are something all Greens can be proud of. You can
post a comment in support online at ABC.


"A Greens-controlled Australia would see our nation join the ranks of the
Third World, with all our coal-fired power stations closed down and
killing what’s left of our manufacturing industries. Mooted
native-forest-fuelled power stations would take us back to the
pre-industrial age..."

Some interesting points of view here and in the comments. You may wish to
post a moderate response outlining some of the reasons why Greens
influence in the Senate is respected and has a 55% approval rating
according to Galaxy. Reasons to include are Greens commitment to better
outcomes for all Australians as well as social equity, economic
sustainability and environmental and global responsibility; Greens
reputation for negotiating and compromising in the interests of the
Australian community in the Senate (e.g stimulus package, raising the
pension & childcare rebates); and that the Greens offer a constructive and
responsible alternative to the old parties and a commitment to outcomes to
the community, not opposition for opposition’s sake.


An indigenous country singer will be the Australian Greens' star candidate
at the federal election. The party's leader Bob Brown announced on
Wednesday that Warren H Williams, from west of Alice Springs, would be the
party's Northern Territory Senate candidate at the upcoming poll. Ahead of
his official campaign launch on Thursday, Mr Williams said he wanted to
get better outcomes for all indigenous Australians and Northern
Territorians. "Like most people in the NT, I am sick and tired of the
major parties ignoring us and taking us for granted," he said.

You can leave a comment online in support.


"Julia Gillard has said she wants a price on carbon. But, a little bit
like St Augustine, she doesn't want to be environmentally pure just yet.
It's not surprising that green groups have seen Gillard's statement as
code for inaction...."

123 comments so far on this story. You can post a comment online in
support of The Greens commitment to climate change action including the
proposal in front of government for a carbon tax.

Greens to seek cabinet meetings if they hold balance, Brown tells Press Club (The Australian/Herald Sun/ABC)

GREENS leader Bob Brown would seek "occasional" meetings with cabinet if
his party gained the balance of power in the Senate after the coming
election. Outlining his agenda at the National Press Club in Canberra
today, Senator Brown said the poll could lead to the Greens breaking into
the lower house for the first time and hold the balance in the Senate.

You can leave a comment at Herald Sun in support of the Greens commitment
to working with the government of the day and negotiating betters outcomes
for all Australians.

*** OTHER NEWS ***

The Federal Government has allocated an extra $100 million to expand
detention centres for asylum seekers. A spokesman for the Immigration
Minister, Chris Evans, says the Government will make further announcements
about how this money will be spent. The Government has previously
indicated that it needed to find more mainland accommodation to house
asylum seekers. But Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young says it is further
proof the Government's policy is not working. She says the funding
announcement is a waste of money. "There's plenty of other things the
Government could be spending their money on than simply the perception
that they are getting tough on vulnerable people like refugees and asylum
seekers," she said.

Indigenous singer is the new Greens star (The Australian & ABC)

AN indigenous country singer will be the Australian Green's star candidate
at the federal election. Greens' leader Bob Brown has announced Warren H
Williams, from west of Alice Springs, will be the party's Northern
Territory Senate candidate at the upcoming poll. Mr Williams will launch
his campaign today. The Greens are expected to hold the balance of power
in the upper house after the next election.


South Australia's peak mining body says a ban on all mining activity is
not needed in Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary. The Greens are pushing to
ban mining in the northern Flinders Ranges...


THE next box for Prime Minister Julia Gillard to tick on her way to the
polling booths is real action on climate change, according to local
Greens’ candidate Dominic King. Mr King said the Prime Minister should not
delay action on reducing Australia’s carbon emissions until 2013. “Labor
should adopt the Greens’ proposal for a fixed carbon price starting at $23
per tonne, increasing at four per cent plus CPI per annum, that would
remain in place until a global climate treaty is reached,” he said....


GREENS candidate for Page Jeff Johnson today urged sitting MP Janelle
Saffin to make a concerted effort to lobby Julia Gillard to include
support for the Greens’ carbon tax proposal in her upcoming announcement
of a new climate change policy....


Encourage your friends via email, Facebook and Twitter to view and support
the new Greens advert.


The Greens today welcomed reports that Cabinet is actively considering the
Greens' proposal of an interim carbon tax but warned Prime Minister
Gillard that seeking consensus on climate action only with the big
polluters is a recipe for failure. "Getting a carbon price in the market
as soon as possible after the coming election is one of the best ways to
build consensus towards real, ambitious climate action," Australian Greens
Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.


The decision of the Premier, Anna Bligh, to give unequivocal backing to
the Police Commissioner is bad news for Queensland’s indigenous
communities and all who want to see honest and independent policing,
Queensland Greens spokesperson Libby Connors said today.

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